I'd like to know what the deal with space is, like... how big is it? because it really shits on my wheetabix that i cant fathom how it works. theoretically speaking, it does go on forever, and apparently it expands, but how can something than has infinite space expand? what is it expanding into? more space... but then that makes no sense, surely that bit more space has something beyond it as well? my thoughts on the matter; fuck it all. ive decided im going to invent a way to make the human race immortal ( apart from all the assholes out there, they can just do one) and when the earth eventually over populates or we get grilled slowly by solar flares, all the human race can just pack up and go to space to float about and inhabit our neighboring planets and just look out of our little space houses into the nearest nebula. shotgun uranus by the way, thats going to be my own hostile little planet where im gunna have some banging tea parties. a lot of people say how amazing it would be to control time and space, but if i had the ability to control the spacetime continuum i wouldn't change much, i dont see the point in people trying to make life so perfect and avoid any problems, something bad is bound to happen to you one day, whether a grand piano falls out the sky and crushes you or you tread in some particularly nasty dog shit, it all builds character. though if i did have some control id like to have bernards watch, and just freeze time at free will to go and cause mischief. for me that just spells fun, i revel in the idea of the possibilities.. drawing giant cocks on national state buildings and undressing people and reassembling their clothes back on their bodies on the wrong limbs or on backwards. oh if i were God id really show this shitty planet a good time.
this made me chuckle. thanks for making me smile, as from my last post you will see, i've had a shit night :) x