These last few days ive been reading and watching some seriously influential things and its opening my eyes to the world, but i keep remembering that one person cant change the world. i mean, jesus tried to change the world and what happened to him? he got pinned up on a cross like a right weener with nails through his palms. i dont want that to happen to me if i go round the street trying to tell people shit they dont wanna hear, i'll end up strapped to the front of some kebab van with old leering men laughing at me. no thanks. i think i might go live in a treehouse in the jungle for afew years. proper off the beaten track and tucked away from society and come back like some neanderthal woman, partly evolved into a plant aswell. the thought of this pleases me, i could just photosynthesize and respire, it'd be a quick and efficient weight loss plan. anyway im pretty sick of people telling me what i am and what im not, ive got blood lust for a lot of people now, i dont know what it is, but im becoming bitter as shit in my old age and i honestly want half the worlds population to go fuck themselves. for all the girls who become total shag lords and cant hold enough morals to keep their pants up, they deserve the crotch-full of STI's they get. all the men who cheat and lie because they havnt got the capacity to think about hurting their partners feelings should be castrated. to all the kids or adults of get cheap thrills from being cruel to animals on purpose need me to drop kick their heads. im so fucking livid today and i dont know why, but im hostile. irate even. stay out my way chumps, im ready to smash skulls
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