So here i am again, gurning and slowly roasting in this room. i dont think im exaggerating when i say its hotter than the sun in here and i probably will be nothing but a smoldering pile of embers by the end of this evening. this situation could only be better if i was basted in honey with an apple in my mouth on some sort of rotisserie device. i can feel pretty much every egg in my ovaries getting scrambled from laptop radiation too. i hope that means my children will have 6 eyes and surplus limbs, if i dont indeed become infertile. anyway, once again, i find myself shredding my hair out over the fact i have nothing constructive to do. i could do work, but then again, i could sit here and write about how bored i am and contemplate my life untill its fit to be re-evaluated and sorted out. which wall should i put my ladder of life against? which road shall i take? will i die with too many regrets? do i treat people with enough respect? am i going in the right direction? should i have cereal or toast for breakfast tomorrow?... so many pressing issues. "issues for ass tissues". i would really like to do something tomorrow that is going to take my mind off how dismal i am at pulling my act together and sorting things out. something along the lines of drinking cider until i have a seizure and slam someones head off a curb, plunge face first into the road and get arrested, spend the night in a cell, choking on my own delicious chunter. the back of my knees are sweating with excitement just thinking about this frisky proposition to get reaaally fucking messy. oh i hope that will be the order of the evening.
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