First day back at college and currently in my extended study lesson, and as always im not doing my work. I just spent 40 minutes reading fear and loathing in las vegas and now thought i'd write a blog. im in a pretty good mood considering i've had 3 hours sleep. went to bed at 4 last night and not feeling too good about it. this whole nocturnal thing is getting old, i honestly just wish i could sleep now, my bed calls. if my bed had a face, it would constantly be giving me the bedroom eyes. my eyes are sagging and my body is lagging and its a bad combo. im not feeling bright eyed nor bushy tailed but im pretty content because the mighty anthony text me to tell me his college has been closed today and tomorrow, and with a lot of persuasion ive managed to convince him to come and be my hostage for tonight and tomorrow. i almost forgot just how much work college actually is but i really need to try hard to sort my act out this term. I NEED TO APPLY TO UNIVERSITY AND I JUST HAVN'T BECAUSE IM A TOTAL PENIS. university is a preeettttyy major factor that i should be worrying about in my life but im just not, for some reason everything that is significant and i should be thinking about just slips my mind and i end up thinking about pointless things like, if you own a piece of land, do you own that land all the way to the earths core? why does mineral water thats been flowing through mountains and massive rocks and glaciers for centuries have a use by date? do blind people dream? if they do, what do they see? does everybody see in the same palette of colours or does each individual person apply a different colour to the name of the colour? whose to say what i see as red you dont see as blue? why is it if youre eating a packet of crisps or sweet and someone really wants them, you have to say no, no matter what they offer you for them? anyway. my lungs still hurt, possibly from white spirit. maybe im gunna get pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. look it up, im not even making words up.
university is a tragic waste of stationary. There's nothing special about the lifestyle. you can be a slovenly, boozing, shagging, sponging layabout with a ton of debt in REAL life and you don't have the hassle of coursework deadlines. it's really not worth it. become a vigilante instead.
ReplyDeletethats oh so true, but to get anywhere in this disgusting society you have to have qualifications. what a load of bullshit, id rather opt for the vigilante role to be honest.