dear journal; i feel my plight is inevitable. my hair has reached new standards of filth and intolerance to my attempts to tame or sustain normality. hygiene is a thing of the past. my teeth have little furry coats on and ive been eating a hell of a lot of garlic, and we all know what that means. breath like shit. anyway, today i have had yet another day of moiling and toiling around the house with meg. once again ive moulded myself to the welt in the sofa; the grove which has been carved by my hot mummah bootay. i have read spacula, done some drawing, re-formatted all of my textile art and contemporary fashion analysis's, and constructed an aesthetically pleasing to-fucking-do list. so boo-fucking-hoo to all yo suckaz with no organization skills. i've also decided to go vegetarian for a while for a multitude of reasons; 1- im getting really fucking chunky fat so im thinking eating less corpse will do me and my love handles the world of good (meg says dont eat too much cheese). 2- anthony decided it was okay for me to go vegetarian if i wished, so no more KFC visits for us. he's sacrificing a lot for me bless him. 3- i like animals, i dont think eating them is too cool, chicken is just too tasty. 4- listening to meg going off it about her vegan views really does sink in, its like subliminal messaging, but in a harmless way, its more like an epiphany or a realiztion. 5- veg is so tasty, who needs meat. anyway yeah, that was a point of today. also spent 2 hours piercing my nose, and i put out pretty well. i was not pains hostage and took it like a real man. apart from that, thats about it. its quarter to 4 in the morning and me and meg are going strong. we pretty much work as a unit in every damn thing we do- a sentient being you may say... anyway. ive got nothing else to say. but i really miss this one... he makes a good cuppa.
Vegatarion , Just like me , Good Choice :D
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