i have drank way too much tea for my own good today and now i think im going to have a stroke. i dont feel too hot at all, but perhaps its karma for not going to college and being a grumpy guss. ive spend almost all day sat in my bed sweltering. i woke up this morning to meg barging her way in and saying "im surprised you dont have a fucking face tumor or something, this place fucking stinks of white spirit." its true, i probably have got some sort of cancer or maybe turning radioactive. wishful thinking but alas, i might get lucky. so i got up, saw my brother who i havnt seen in a fairly long time, he gave me some useful life advice about money and education, which was amusing and ironic since he is currently jobless and homeless and quit college after 2 weeks. he is now 27 and still trying to sort his life out. i then made myself yet another delicious lunch. today was prawn jalfrezi curry. it looked like liqiud shit on a plate but christ was it delectable.

ive spent the rest of my day in a oddly numb mood, drinking more tea than any human should, and im really feeling the brunt of it now. i literally feel like a big hideous balloon full of caffine and farts. ive tried fruitlessly and failed at writing my english essay, which was to be expected to be honest. i now just have achy eyes and really bad chest pains, which im not too overwhelmed about. ive just realized writing a blog when you're in a bad mood is really reflected in your writing. might aswell just feel really sorry for myself for the rest of this then; i feel pretty hostile towards anyone/ anything. had bad dreams last night and woke up livid, had too much work today as well as complete apathy towards college. dont want to interact with anyone but like most things in life, i have to deal with it and do it anyway. got a belly ache because i ate chilli too fast and now its curdling in my gut with the rivers of stomach acid and tea, i think theres more caffine in my bloodstream than red blood cells. ive officially thrown my literature notes down, sat here with a hunched back and got myself all angry. i need an early night and a real nights sleep... on the plus side, the sunset was beautiful this evening.