its time for some well overdue unfathomable wisdom to erupt from my fingertips as a result of kinetic energy provided by my brain activity. despite the fact i have an intolerably dead left arm from getting my jab to prevent my fanny from getting lumps and bumps and potentially killing me and a dull ache in my right arm from throwing large stones at other large stones at the beach, i have been overtly productive with my creative skills this evening. not that it matters, normally i am being a total vegetable and even this small purge of frantic double mounting is not accounting for all the time i spend dormant and stationary in my bed, yet i have a interview for a "nice" university on wednesday and a meagre and/or sparse looking portfolio of work at the moment. hope is beginning to wane, for i feel the only way i will complete the pure magnitude of organisation and presentation is if i make an elite team who will operate the ins and outs of this portfolio until it is presentable. i will recruit the likes of rambo, charles manson, gerard butler, mother nature, leonardo di vinci and jesus to use brute strength and moral fibre to ensure my portfolio gets me into some more years of learning and avoiding getting a job. apart from that, my other news is such as i failed my driving test for the second time and am still plotting the intricate murder of the man who failed me. AGAIN. i have finished college and am currently in the throws of doing NOTHING, though the idea of getting fit and limber is something i have toyed with; the concept of having rippling abs and veins so prominent that they have a profile and thighs and buns pert enough to crack nuts. ants nuts. ants packet of KP peanuts that is. apart from that, im off to italy to get crispy and i wont settle until i have third degree burns from intense sessions of sun bathing, where i will act the sun dial or heat seeking missile and crawl around the surrounding pasture in search of the most UV. but thats a month away, until then i have my english exam, another driving test which im sure to fail and some other stuff. ALSO, during the execution of this blog, i was nearly jousted off my little perch of pillows by a moderately large spider on a rampage. 100% displeased, i chased him around for a while trying to bat him with a ruler which he very swiftly snatched from me and chased me around the the room with. no, but in all serious, i screamed like little miss muffet. on that note, i no longer feel safe in this room, nor this house for that, the bastard is no doubt going to climb back through my window after i ejected him and smother me during my sleep. next time (if there is a next time) i'll take no mercy on the arachnid kind and they will feel the force of my collins hardback dictionary and thesaurus.
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