in a mother fucking nut shell, i'd like to say to you guys that the reason i have not been writing blogs lately is because i've been so dang busy, but that'd be a bare face lie. truth is guys, i've officially turned into the mythical Solanum tuberosum couchus, more commonly known as the coach potato, the slob, the sluggard, the layabout, the laggard, and my personal favourite title, the bum. I managed to get all my coursework in though, which was fine. still pottering along with ass holes at college, its a place that i despise with every blood cell in my body and every moment im there my list of "people id like to kill with a blunt implement" grows. anyway, my life out of college has been pretty eventful, this weekend was a smash hit as far as im concerned, and the last few weekends have been lovely. my half term has just ended and i was supposed to go back to college this morning, but after the dramatic incidents of my little cousin finding her guinea pig dead in her cage (r.i.p little one), i decided college was a pretty weak idea and that my one lesson of english literature can wait because a greater force named death is trying to achieve insubordination within the household. this was witnessed twice this morning, once with the poor little guinea pig, and again with a chicken that me and meg were trying to nurse back to health, but unfortunately she had a fit whilst throwing up and died in my hands. many things were strange about the experience. a) since when do chickens ever throw up? how does that happen. plus it made the whole process of prizing her beak open to try put bread and water down her throat obsolete. b) chickens dont have fits? surely. after having a dying animal twitching in your hands it makes you feel oh so humbled towards life. c) i got a real weird tingly feeling in my hands the moment she died. im putting it down to the fact that her life source itself past through my body, which potentially means i have chicken spirit. in which case, awesome. anyway, apart today being "black monday", the last few weeks have been pretty good. me and ant have been up to no good as per usual, and by up to no good i simply mean napping for excessive amounts of time, playing video games until our eyes sting, going on road trips and ending up no where but a land of muddy puddles and eating really unhealthy food. apart from that, ive been doing fuck all but drinking copious amounts of tea and attempting to do work. life is swish, apart from the amount of pure anus's that impede my ability to have fun. but i must not let my own social inability to forgive and forget bellends stop the good times rolling. id rather be a hermit and smell of chicken than have rims in my life, fo' realz. anyway ive exhausted myself. peace out
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