my weekend thus far; we're now approaching 11pm on a sunday evening and i thought i should relay my weekend to you guyz. so, friday, me and the boy have got home after faffing about, getting real fucking greasy gnoshing on a KFC and then went home to enjoy the comfort of my pit of a bedroom. this comfort quickly resorted to the best nap of my life, and we woke some time later in a sleepy daze, and i can honestly say that nap was better than sex... eh hem. anyway, my saturday was wonderful, spent cruising about Guilford. THOUGH, i got seriously fucking aggy with the amount of gormless r3t@rd$ oggling at me, i was on the verge of running about like some sort of savage and plucking every individuals eyes out with my bared teeth and spitting them back down their ajar mouths and making them choke on them. i was literally livid, for no good reason or rhyme. another thing ive realized is how much i hate pretty girls. its funny how any other girl i see i find myself checking out and feel myself going gangrenous with envy. it did my nut in when i was trynna walk about, getting paranoid by the amount of "bare fit birds" strutting around. and strangers touching me, thats a whole different story. they could have been fingering their bum holes and bathing in their own piss and then come out and like, jostle next to me when im just trynna walk along. is it too much to ask to go in a straight line without gimp stumbling into your path and coughing on the side of your face as you pass? anyway. in addition to this eclectic group of minging people who cant function normally, we come to said Meg, that batty hippy lass. watching her lay on her back on the sofa with legs jutting over the edge with 2nd stage rigomortis, hair like a firey cheese string and face like someone who has spent the last 9 weeks face down in a bowl of water, absorbing every drop to turn into this great bloated and shiny orb, i couldn't help but find her repugnant. to watch her then progress to heaving up her pajama bottoms to the top of her thighs, sitting with legs outspread and forcing every in growing hair out, the emotion that accompanied my view of her distasteful display was a mixture of pure distain and respect. for the record, she has just appeared back in the room, washed but still looking like a spongey pale mess. while i was looking at her this very moment, she's grunted "what, are you capturing the essence of my glory?".... Its funny coz its true. night everyone
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