Tuesday, 1 February 2011

creme fraiche

before i start writing anything, im just going to announce that my reason for not blogging is because im scrutinisingly constructing an elaborate plan to overthrow the monarchy and become new head of British government and the empire. so, now thats out in the clear, i dont actually have anything to say. university is sucking my life force away like some blood lusting parasite and my brain is being wrung of all creative ideas, i find myself getting double glazed eyes and thinking about large open spaces quite often now, perhaps a visual metaphor for what is actually going on inside my head? not that it matters, because im an artist, i dont need to think because i can shit in a can and sell it to tate modern, get my name into the art world and then swiftly assassinate tracy emin for being such a moron and giving art a bad name.

anyway, im gunna start blogging more regularly again, not that any of you will care because hey, no one is interested in what i do. but for my own peace of mind, im broadcasting this loud and clear so my loyal fans can begin to make an alliance in trepidation of my uprising into the megalomanic autocracy that will be my rule. peace.

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