to encapsulate the past month i have spent at university, all i can really say is that ive probably made my chances of liver failure in the next 20 years inevitable. apart from that theres not an awful lot i have to say, and as per usual these days im suffering from being verbally inapt. all those precious braincells i drowned and then projected onto the floor of farnham train station in the form of chunky paste via the orifice of my mouth are probably what were keeping me from being a dysfunctional lump of meat, but now theyre gone, nothing is preventing me from being a total vegetable. i think uni life has taken its tole on my already; the bags under my eyes now look like sacks of sand used to protect walls during monsoon seasons, my hair looks like a brown cheese string, my skin in a new shade of dirty beige and theres a spot on my forehead at the moment which has its own pulse and is aptly named Vesuvius II, but i suppose these are all little kick backs from a lifestyle of drunken escapades and sleep deprivation. my uni room smells like a sewer by day and feels like a sauna by night, my carpet is depressingly dirty and the henry hover the uni supplied really doesnt cut the mustard when it comes to actually sucking stuff up, i might aswell just recruit loads of people to fart in unison at my carpet to give a sort of organic leaf blower effect. my collection of empty bottles has grown fast and im adopting all sorts of exotic type of beverage, and im pretty sure social services are going to come knocking at my door and exile me for being such a massive skank... lush. anyway, apart from breaking bones, being sick, being nocturnal etc, i am actually doing some hardcore work. believe it or not. anyway, my b82rez are running super low so im going to have to cut this blog short because im not getting out of bed to retrieve the charger for love nor money. so i'll leave you with some nice pictures.