for anyone who cares or shows any interest in my life and reads this drivel of a blog, i have an announcement; my summer is going to shit all over yours. the incessant feeling of glee for the impending season of debauchery that awaits me is enough to send me into fits and spasms; however i am staying composed, cool and 100% collected in these run up days before the bestest vacation eva kicks off. we all know that the weeks coming up to this monuments holiday extravaganza have been proleptic of good times to come and keep rolling, i.e my coming of age, my ability to drive a motor vehicle legally with a little pink card aptly named a driving license, and the offer made to me by the University of Creative Arts in Farnham to come and join their elite force of gruffalo type soap-dodging students with innovative ideas and visionary flare. so, while ive been driving around in my little blue car feeling smug as i stall my way across the south coast, i know i am approaching the time where i relive last summer- camping in vagli di sotto, embracing the Tuscan wilderness in my sweaty arms. i cannot physically think of anything more appealing. i cant help but feel sorry for all you mofo's- who like me have just turned 18- and think your squeaky clean little queer fest summer of experimenting with the new dimension of adulthood and putting your feelers out to put your fingers in all the proverbial pies of sex, drugs and sausage rolls... but for me, i get to live the real dream, do all the things i did wrong last summer again and get it right this time, keep it simple, cool as a cucumber, return home unscathed with little to no emotional scarring and take the good zen to uni. so whoever you are, whatever you do, i guarantee your summer wont even scratch the surface of fun compared to the antics that will be unveiled up there in the rocky mountain summits and deep in the heart of the forests.
to summarise, dear followers, my summer is going to consist of Anthony the Mighty- a month long period of laying sunny side up into the sweltering heat as my body generates so much sweat that a form of distillation occurs, with ant watching me evapourate and cuss into the night about how im getting rashes in my thighs from sweat chaff and hairy armpits because im too lazy and filthy to scrub up will only strengthen our relationship. then, to follow the righteous path and spiritual intensification in the mountain side campsite resort will be Alex the Brave, Josh the Stoic and Pete the Wise, all valiant successors to follow the footsteps that other mere mortals cannot comprehend and to stand in the overwhelming presence of my Guru of a dad.
anyway, apart from that, i'll leave you with some pictures of what else ive been up to in my non-blogging time. voila