Friday, 5 March 2010

italian supercars.

italian supercars, happens to be what the presentation taking place behind me is about. it would not shock you to know, my friends, that i am paying no attention to what is going on in my extended project lessons. this guy has made a project where he has made a one page website about very fast cars. very fast indeed, though he has not mentioned the zonda, which is a fucking bitch of a car. anyway, im in good spirits today. only about 2 hours until ant comes and gets me, which is swish, and we get to go see my sister, which is equally as swish, AND get to go buy some crystals, WHICH IS ULTIMATELY SWISH!!!! more sparkly nuggets of spiritual healing for me. and its sunny today, though my ankles are so cold, and hopefully this weekend is going to be real good weather, so i want to be out with nature and my boy, frolicking through sunny meadows and dancing around a maypole with a crown of daisy chains and a white petticoat. i only have about 9 weeks left in college now before i can go and do these things on a regular basis, hopefully walking around barefoot with a 3 inch thick layer of dirty callusced skin on the soles of my feet, and make my way to go live with pippin and merry in the shire. my semi translucent skin is sick of not having a filthy arab tan, and my hair is sick of not being sun bleached and reminscent of a mistreated paint brush, which means this summer, it is my personal goal to try and achive ultimate filthiness and i will not stop until i blend in with my natural surroundings and having a natural coating of camoflauge, which will consist of lots of dirt and leaves/twigs bound into my hair. i atleast expect to be "at one" with the animals and come home like elizabeth from the wild thornberrys. in which case, ant can be donnie.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

"should i sit in here and write a blog...?"

evidently, the answer is obviously yes. my day has shown better qualities than yesterday, and by better i mean more constructive. and by more constructive i mean i found my work that i had lost and managed to get my english coursework handed in, which leaves me now with this lovely bit of spare time in which im going to write this pointless little blog with the sun burning the right side of my face and watching gormless goths wonder past the window im sat by. the pressing sense of urgency to do work has left me, which isnt particularly good but then again, theres only so much work im willing to do before i have a social and mental breakdown and someone finds me slumped in my work station with a particularly sharp HB pencil jabbed into my left eye socket and a variety of paper cuts running across my wrists from the impending doom that is my work load. speaking of impending doom, apparently the side affects from taking phsyllium husk could cause death, and one of the symptoms of this kick back from the almost-laxative husk is that you have a sense of "impending doom" (it has to be true, coz it was on wikipedia). but then i thought if i did have this awful side affect was, metaphorically speaking, going to pop my clogs, then perhaps i wouldnt notice? i already have a sense of constant doom upon my own being and this shitty little planet we live on. another side affect is a nasty rash, which is something i get when i have a thorough dance off with meg... i know what youre thinking right, i dont know how dancing can give you a rash either.

anyway, i thought id relay my plans for summer while im here and this incessant sunlight in my eyes is reminding me of summer a little too nostalgically, so, my plan for the summer is;

- come june 28th when my last exam is over, spend a week or so molesting my darling boyfriend before i decide to flee the country.

- decide whether im going to get a flight to pisa or am i going to get a train and stop off and eat some continental olives from other countries? potentially interesting, potentially could end in tears with me being lost, mugged and stabbed.

- get to italy eventually, get on my dads much admired camp site and recharge my zen and juju in the blistering sun whilst in the "triangulation". (for anyone who is wondering what said triangulation is, its a triangular composition of very large logs that my dad resurrected in the middle of the field as a heli-pad for incoming UFO's and other unwanted mystical bullshit)

- wake up at 9am every single day all swollen in my sleeping bag with meg equally as spongey and porous as me, with beads of sweat in the creases of my eyelids and across my upper lip, roll out of the tent and feel sorry for myself for a while whilst the sun continues to steam my body like salmon boil-in-a-bag, or one of them machine fatties get when theyre steamed up and sweat off loads of weight and come out looking like a relaxed scrotom.

- drink lots of beer, smoke lots of fags, burn lots of skin, pick lots of spots, swim in lake, piss on lots of trees, not wash my hair and/or body, eat couscous, drink 6 litres of water, dance around the fire, talk about theories of time and space travel in gold capsules, sleep under the stars, listen to hendrix. that is the daily rota for the 6 or so weeks i plan to be out there.

- at some point i will inevitably be attacked by some wild animal and adopt some hybrid disease or condition and probably die in a ditch off the beaten track on the edge of a mountain

-whilst out in the hills i expect to see the following at some point;

- a bear

- a wolf

- a monkey

- a really large moth

- a stag

- a wild boar

- a wild man by the name of 'dad'

- a lot of chesnut trees

- a anthony zardis

- a tent so sweaty that it has developed condensation

-a josh davies

-a pete gardiner

- a eagle

- a abundance of hippies or white rastafairians

- a shrivelled and sun dired cousin

- a large pizza

all of the above and more.
now is my queue to leave this shitty classroom and do something half constructive with the rest of my afternoon, i.e go flake out somewhere in the sun.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

So, on a scale of one to psychopath, anyone wanna wager a guess as to how mad i am?

an anecdote for you guys;
once again i find myself feeling oh so very hard done by. today has been so melodramatic that it feels as though it was in fact a really ho-um mundane under stimulating dream. it all starts with me being unable to get out of bed, and finding myself crippled by my own comfort. i woke and contemplated not getting up for at least another fortnight until i had bulbous formations of bed sores across my backside, but i didnt let the demons in my head get the better of me. however i did find myself staring at the sky for about 7 minutes without a thought passing through that expansive space of nothing between my eyes where there is a vacant area with a "TO LET" sign for rental to brains. anyway, once out of bed, i dwindled about, spent too long trying to sort out my smelly hair, which in affect was beyond redemption anyway. so, after getting to the train station and eating the biggest apple ever and arriving in eastleigh , i found myself in pursuit of two particularly crisp bits of paper. and yknow what folks, them little street scraps turned out to be a fiver and a tenner rustling down the street in a tandem escape from some pensioners pocket, and swiftly into my own hand they went, to be spent on cod liver oil tablets and evening primrose oil (true story). anyway, college was piss, spent 2 hours making felt (yay) and felt bitchy so gave the girls in lesson some party mouth, and left the lesson feeling smug. anyway since then i have been at home working non stop, my eyes sting and my face is stupendously shiny. i've lost a large percentage of my work, for which the presentation is tomorrow lunchtime, and its evident that im just not gunna make it unless i get hit by a space rock and get super powers that allow me to control time.................BOBBA. and im in a mood because my little cousin took my really expensive professional art marker pen and got me in shit for it somehow. most displeased. ASWELL as this, ive got really bad bloat, so ive been taking physllium husk and hoping it'll flush my guts out. THATS RIGHT GUYS, SHIT! GIRLS SHIT! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
anyway, apart from this, ive had a lovely weekend with the boy once more, being skint means we got to do old people activities such as walking around lakes and feeding duckies :) its the shit! and i bought some more crystals, so no more bad juju thanks.
anyway im ratty and have my "ginger cousin" on the end of my bed, sitting in battle formation. so GODNAT